Thursday 26 November 2009

She's da best

thanx dear sis cz sudi melayan permintaan merepek n xmsk akal adikmu ni. haha....i know i can always count on u. weee~ so are u ready to do it as ur permanent task? let me see....maybe until everything goes back to normal...(which i dun think will happen shortly) actually there's nothing normal in life kn? with support from u n ur hubby i think this gonna b a lot fun than i thought. hahaha....but dat statement of him mmg a bit kejam la but i like~ hahaha....guys suppose to be mean kn so that's cool. ngeee..... can't wait for the next email. ok. sy gila. shudn't wait. let say...once in a week ok x? craving for something fishy to be solve.

p/s: there goes my paling merepek entry musim ni. i think i'm getting old n less fun. grrr...


Unknown said...

akhirnya sedar diri sudah tua dan mak cik hahahaha!!

myra_miracle said...

wah... yanie.. ape nih?? cam rehsie jek..

Chybee said... lidi mencari pasal ea? report kt mami kang...mami tgk ank mami ni men je keje... n sy mmg dh tua pon. dh ade ank. jgn jeles. hahahahahhaa......

Chybee said...

mira!!! secret yg xbrape secret....if online blh gossip2 ;p