Monday 9 November 2009


i've just got a msg from krun saying my dear friend zira, who was warded few weeks ago is now in critical condition. i never expect to hear dis news. i'm not quite sure but i heard from other friend dat there's virus in her blood. she's closed to me n rite now i wish i cud see her. maybe i'll go to offenburg. just hope that we all could pray for her. i want to see her healthy smile again. i dun like to feel dis way. really hope dat she's strong enuf to be healthy again.


K said...

same2 doakan dia yeh? =)

Unknown said...

laaa zira ke i thought zara. sebab tu pelik je asal ayah dia kat germany pulak. adui ngantuk kot malam tadi..

hope she's fine by now

Chybee said...

zira la. xkn la sy nk g melawat zara esok cmtu jer. jgn doakn yg bukan2 utk zara. really hope zira cud b strong. every1 plss pray for her

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

Alhamdulillah, zira is now stable...
but still fighting..same2 la kite doakan kesihatan Zira!!

Chybee said...

Alhamdulillah...she's now shows some progress. still praying hard that she get well soon. miss her smile n her laugh :(