Saturday 14 November 2009


Yeah i got class on saturday. so wut?'s interesting cause i learn how to sketch n to colour. hehe... i even thot about doing my master for art in transportation. haha...i noe they look ugly but just wanna share my work :D

My red Porsche

rough design of roof

my 1st sketch from 1st class. ugly. lol

why doodle when u cud just attend the real course? hehe...kdg!


hAfIz said...

lol @last pic ;p

Chybee said...

jahat!!! xnk puji yg lg 2 tu ke? hehe

Unknown said...

ish tak nak la beli kereta orang ni design

Anonymous said...

eh not bad la tu. kalau wo yg lukis maybe jd kereta lembu instead of sports car haha :p

Chybee said...

@org lidi sy pon xnk jual keta sy design kt awk. buat bazir je. xreti nk appreciate beauty. muahahahhaa

@wo hehe...kan...not bad kan...tenkiu!! ni syg wo ni. hehe

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

gne color pencil ker?

Unknown said...

eleh diorang sume ni nak jaga hati je.

jujurlah wahai rakan²!

Chybee said...

@krun xla. gune marker utk manga n pastellkreiden

@org lidi jgn cemburu