Sunday 29 November 2009


penah x jumpe org yg xpenah kenal dat particular person n ckp sikit punye byk n menyakitkn hati like they know them? selalu? banyak? sirius xfaham. dun just agree wif everything. open ur eyes n see more. if he just standing there doing nothing that u think can help doesn't mean he's done nothing. doesn't mean he gave up. tolong la jgn buat tuduhan yg bukan2. since we know them we know what is really happening. and be supportive with reason. owh....skt hati but wut can i do. praying hard that this people cud see what i'm trying to explain here.

p/s: aku pon penah suke org jugak but dun have to like n agree with everything kot. mcm xde pendirian.


aYue said...

thumbs up babe!!

.:nani:. said...

something that we ourselves cannot explain but yet we always found ourselves in these situation.

never fear what cannot kill you.

ppl will only see what they want to see. no matter how much you tried to explain to them, kalau ngak mau ngak mau jugak sih.

akhirnya, keberengsetnya di beri kepada kita.dengan alasan kita padai2 mau membetulkan. di tujukan pula salah kita..

if it doesnt make sense, harap maklum saje lah yek =D

Chybee said...

thanx babe!!! U know who rite?

Nani...pening kn? Xpela. I doa jela everything goes fine. Dats the best i cud think