Tuesday 17 November 2009

Be my friend

Don't walk in front of me,
I will not follow you...

Don't walk behind me,
I will leave you...

Just walk beside me,
and be my friend~



Anonymous said...

Hi friend!
Btw, Ery sms smalam ckp dia nervous. Semalam paper BM and History hehe. Wo wish dia good luck ehehe. Btw, esok malam wo balik rumah jgn jeless~

Chybee said...

ooo yeke? kesiannye. asl tkt bm plak? sejarah tu logik la. nnt blk kem salam kt semua. nk blk jugak! huhu....lme xtepon mak. byk sgt keje la.huhu...smpi lupe

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

isk..isk..tepon mak pon lupe...

Chybee said...

itu la psl...bkn la lupe giler just time igt dh tgh mlm giler kt msia so xle kol.huhu