Tuesday 8 December 2009

Flowers In The Window

Monday 7 December 2009


I really2 need to do this. i'm here cause i want to finish my degree here. not that i came to play around and have fun. please...study and do only that or else i won't have any degree which is what i fear most now. please remind me that i've waste too much time and energy. back on track please!!! why am i too lazy to work hard for my own future? i should free my mind n throw every useless info that i have in my head away. only then i can start fresh i hope. people...sile la gv some advice to this lazy person.... :(

Friday 4 December 2009

Hujung minggu datang lagi

oo yeah.... br blk dr ber'singstar' n men poker kt blk acap. ni aktiviti mesti buat every week. last week xbuat dh jd gian. haha...but td rmi giler kot. full la blk sekangkang kera tu dgn 9 org manusia. layan gile main rmi2. hehe...n blk td br perasan rupe2nye kt luar ni hujan.hehehe....giler xsenonoh je rse. buang mse smpi lupe daratan. tp esok bukan ade class pon so tidak kesah.ngeee....esok sy akan jumpe orang2 tersyg....yeah!!! sgt rindu n lme dh xjumpe. can't wait! tp mlsnye nk naik tren lme2 sorg2. huhu.... esok juge ade org nk belanja mkn sushi! my favourite!! sgt sukeee :D thanx sbb buat sy happy.weee~

owh...tp xle buat2 lupe study. huhu....cuaknye dh msk bulan 12 tp xstart study pape lgpon. huhu....harap2 xgagal :(

Wednesday 2 December 2009


i called my sis just now through ym. it's been a while since we talk n i really need her advice at the moment. feeling miserable due to tons of project and works is the last thing i wish. miss that little zara too. she now can talk better and singing n walking n i wasn't there to watch all that. sigh... sedih. but the funny thing is, she saw me on screen n try to touch me n calling me baby. hahaha...she really good at joking eyh. siape la yg ajar tu. even though i'm cute..pls zara don't call me that. malu la achik. hahaha... ok. enough being perasan. at least i was able to forget about my worries for a while n manage to ketawa sorg2 dlm blk. thanx zara n my sis. then i got this good news from ayu. she opened her eyes a lil bit just now! oh my dear...u should know how happy am i to hear that. i miss talking to her damn much!!! i when through her blog n her fb profile lately n praying that i could hear her thought again. we shared much n i still wanna share a lot with her. zira...if u awake n read this...please know that i wish u're here n i love u dear~

now i'm happy :)

Monday 30 November 2009

Nothing i wanted but everything i needed

I asked for strength,
...and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom,
... and God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for prosperity,
... and God gave me brain and brawn to work.
I asked for courage,
... and God gave me danger to overcome.
I asked for love,
... and God gave me troubled people to help.
I asked for favours,
... and God gave me opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted,
... I received everything I needed.

ALLAH knows when you are tired and discouraged from fruitless effort,
ALLAH knows how hard you have tried,
when you've cried so long your heart is in anguish,
ALLAH has counted your tears.
If you feel that your life is on hold and time has passed you by, ALLAH is waiting for you.
When nothing makes sense and you are confused or frustrated, ALLAH has the answer.
If suddenly your outlook is brighter and you find traces of hope, ALLAH has indeed whispered to you.
"Keeps on moving, coz I'm with You"

I should always remember this. i may not have everything that i want but actually i do have everything that i need. it took me sometime to realize but i'm Thankful that i now could see everything clearly. This actually taken from one of the blog that i follow. thanx to the writer for sharing this nice post. Praying hard for a better life.

p/s: stay positive. remain positive

Sunday 29 November 2009


penah x jumpe org yg xpenah kenal dat particular person n ckp sikit punye byk n menyakitkn hati like they know them? selalu? banyak? sirius xfaham. dun just agree wif everything. open ur eyes n see more. if he just standing there doing nothing that u think can help doesn't mean he's done nothing. doesn't mean he gave up. tolong la jgn buat tuduhan yg bukan2. since we know them we know what is really happening. and be supportive with reason. owh....skt hati but wut can i do. praying hard that this people cud see what i'm trying to explain here.

p/s: aku pon penah suke org jugak but dun have to like n agree with everything kot. mcm xde pendirian.

Thursday 26 November 2009

She's da best

thanx dear sis cz sudi melayan permintaan merepek n xmsk akal adikmu ni. haha....i know i can always count on u. weee~ so are u ready to do it as ur permanent task? let me see....maybe until everything goes back to normal...(which i dun think will happen shortly) actually there's nothing normal in life kn? with support from u n ur hubby i think this gonna b a lot fun than i thought. hahaha....but dat statement of him mmg a bit kejam la but i like~ hahaha....guys suppose to be mean kn so that's cool. ngeee..... can't wait for the next email. ok. sy gila. shudn't wait. let say...once in a week ok x? craving for something fishy to be solve.

p/s: there goes my paling merepek entry musim ni. i think i'm getting old n less fun. grrr...

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Be my friend

Don't walk in front of me,
I will not follow you...

Don't walk behind me,
I will leave you...

Just walk beside me,
and be my friend~


Monday 16 November 2009


U said that u'll wait for me.Each time i feel sad and down, i'll remember ur promise.Cause somehow it makes me happy again.I want to continue living...Cz at the end of the road i wish U're there waiting.

Saturday 14 November 2009


Yeah i got class on saturday. so wut? hehe...it's interesting cause i learn how to sketch n to colour. hehe... i even thot about doing my master for art in transportation. haha...i noe they look ugly but just wanna share my work :D

My red Porsche

rough design of roof

my 1st sketch from 1st class. ugly. lol

why doodle when u cud just attend the real course? hehe...kdg!

Monday 9 November 2009


i've just got a msg from krun saying my dear friend zira, who was warded few weeks ago is now in critical condition. i never expect to hear dis news. i'm not quite sure but i heard from other friend dat there's virus in her blood. she's closed to me n rite now i wish i cud see her. maybe i'll go to offenburg. just hope that we all could pray for her. i want to see her healthy smile again. i dun like to feel dis way. really hope dat she's strong enuf to be healthy again.

Saturday 7 November 2009

Emosi sungguh

ni aku nk mrh ni. bgn2 nk sarapan. g la dapur amik brg2 yg patut. rase cm nk mkn cereal la. aku bukak fridge nk amik susu n aik...asl ringan semacam? setahu aku feruz nk gune susu. aku je gune susu tu pon just utk mkn cereal.[i dun like milk] mmg la aku bukan br beli semlm but seigt aku, aku baru gune sekali. xde la expect penuh but shud b at least half ke...xde la bengang sgt. bengong la minah yg share fridge dgn aku ni. ni yg aku nk emo ni. ni bkn first time. dulu blh la trime mungkin dye confuse or lupe which 1 dye punye. so dulu aku trime la. ni aku dh label terang2 kt kotak susu tu pon stil nk gune ke? aaaa....tensi nye. xtau nk buat pe dh. xkn aku nk tulis name penuh kt kotak susu tu besar2 br dye xgune. if dye gune gk aku gak tensi blk. aiyoo....geram la neh. bukan kedekut just bile nk gune n tbe2 xde...mrh tau! dh la berat nk kene angkut n beli kt kaufland tu. eeee............ brg dh la byk n mkn space ktorg kt dlm fridge tuh. ko beli brg sikit2 suda. ko mkn sorg je pon. ni simpan sume smpi busuk selekeh giler deutsche. haish...geram abes la ni. rosak pagi sabtu aku. pfff!!!

*tgk drama korea[you're beautiful] pon emosi!*

Wednesday 4 November 2009

I love u too!

I'm speechless...

Thank you sayang and i love u too :)

Monday 2 November 2009

Pieces of something that i read

thanx to hajar for the link. love ya! lets promise not to b childish again *wink*

  1. ...
  2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
  3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
  4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch!
  5. ...
  6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
  7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
  8. ...
  9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
  10. ...
  11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
  12. ...
  13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
  15. ...
  16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
  17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
  18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
  19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
  20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
  21. ...
  22. ...
  23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
  24. ...
  25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
  26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
  27. Always choose life.
  28. Forgive everyone everything.
  29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
  30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
  31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
  32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  33. Believe in miracles.
  34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
  35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
  36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
  37. ...
  38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
  39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
  40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's,we'd grab ours back.
  41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
  42. The best is yet to come.
  43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  44. Yield.
  45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift

Sunday 1 November 2009

i miss

saya rindu...

1. bubur mcD yg ditambah garam n pepper. rindu utk sejukkn bubur mcD utk die sbb die xmkn pns...

2. bile mase sy demam dan muntah setiap kali sy mkn then die sudi suapkn sy mkn sbb xsmpi hati tgk sy lemah n lapa sbb xmkn ape2...

3. diteman utk keluar & dihantar smpi rumah gune public transport even sbrnye blh je dye gune kenderaan sendiri...

4. pulang ke rumah, dye lihat saya dan campakkn penyapu (sbb dye sdg menyapu) terus peluk erat sy smbl menangis dan minta maaf sbb kesal xdpt menjaga sy dlm rumah sendiri...

5. blk dr kelas, beli keropok lekor dan pisang goreng. mkn dlm blk ramai2 sambil bersembang n bile smpi mse utk mandi masing2 berebut2 utk jd yg kedua...

6. saat itu : "..a**h pon nk mintak maaf jugak kalau2 ade salah silap..." setelah hampir setahun kami tidak bertanya khabar...

7. utk peluk dye erat2 kerana dye sdg berasa sgt sdh dan sy xtahu ape perlu sy lakukan. kebiasaannye : dialah yg menenangkn...

8. bile sy skt telinga, dye sanggup titiskn ubat dlm telinga sy...

9. utk terima panggilan dye yg menanges teresak2 dan membuat sy sgt risau hingga sy rase kalau perlu sy akan segera dtg kepadanya tetapi akhirnya dye ketawa dan sy lega...

10. utk dgr gelak ketawa dye setiap kali sy bercakap sbb dye rase sy kelakar


(byk lg yg sy rindu)

saya rindu pada mereka, masa lampau, kenangan silam, perkara yang sudah. saya berharap pd masa akn dtg saya akn rindu pd saat dan ketika ini.

Friday 30 October 2009

i'm back

pagi ni buat aku berfikir....wut am i doing in dis world? am i targetting da real thing rite now? in dis little mind of mine...

penat la pikir2 n pikir2 but i've neva done anyting bout it. i shud start now. slowly but i hope it's good.

haven't been writing since last september. 22 sept bday abah. hehe... i'm too lazy to write + dun have anything good to write ( even now) but i guess i still need to blog.

i am damn paranoid. giler. hahaha...guess just have to live life my own way. not sure which 1 is scarrier. to noe da real truth or not knowing anyting at all.

dis semester doesn't start as smooth as i wish. but promise to myself to try harder. at least if ade suhana xde la kene pk susah subjek sorg2. haish. ( bile suhana xde aku byk mengelamun je dlm class....ppfff)

hanna i wish i cud blogging sesuke hati like u tp i xreti la!!! :(  

i'm back for me n those who keep asking.

org lidi: blog sy stil xle bjalan. cmne blog awk blh bjalan2? awk bwk g tmn? ;p

Tuesday 22 September 2009

i need a break

gonna dissappear for some time. really need a break from all this. take a good care of urself every1.


OMG! byknye celoteh budak2 zaman skunk ni. xbrenti2 ckp. tnye itu ini. smpi aku yg naik segan melayan diorg. sirius! seigt aku time dulu2 jln raya ngn member ktorg byk diam je. ni diorg yg make conversation ngn mak n aku. xberenti2 ckp. kalah aku yg org ckp xreti diam ni. hoho...lain zaman lain ragamnye...


Sedih baby2 sume dh xde. zara br je blk n madiha since 1st raya xjumpe2 lg. dye beraya kt pahang pulak. bestnye raya dis year ade babies. xsunyi lgsg. penat melayan diorg. here some cute pics of them

Nur Madihah Maisarah

Dini Zara

Eventhou sgt penat melayan keletah diorg..berbaloi! hehe....ank org best la. blh jg kejap2. ank sndri nnt sure penat xsudah2...my mom said. hehe...mungkin jugak.

Dis sunday i'll be heading penang. Last week Ramadhan dh stay lame kt umh iba. now nk g umh wo pulak. busy2...hehe...okie...gtg. ade kids dtg raya. till then~

Thursday 17 September 2009


officially busy starting tomorrow. now dh busy jugak but not dat official. ngee~ raya tahun ni gonna b really diff. wif both my anak sedara, nur madihah maisarah n dini zara...abg2 iparku...[neva had a big bro b4. janggal] n all new us. just wait n c wuts gonna happen.

praying hard dat everyting goes well.

wishing everyone salam aidilfitri n maaf zahir batin tulus ikhlas dr hati. buang yg keruh ambil yg jernih ;)

Saturday 12 September 2009


asl la lately ni byk je org2 komplen secara besar2an ek? in public pulak tu. rimas. org ni buat xbtl. org tu buat xbetul. mcm la sendiri sgt bgs. bukan kate aku xkomplen. tp among my fren jela mostly. tu pon just nk ks lapang dada. if xsuke itu xsuke ini then duk dlm dunia sendri. jgn campur dgn org. byk sgt salah org laen. salah sendiri xnk tgk ke? bile tgk2 blk byk yg diorg ckp diorg buat sendiri. mungkin betul ckp mak. orang yg asik ckp psl salah silap org lain sebenarnye bercakap tentang diri sendiri. haish...aku pon dh terkomplen like mereka2 juga. kene selalu igt. nobody's perfect. sendiri mau igt la.

Friday 11 September 2009


Semalam i was in KL to b exact jln TAR. shopping 4 raya.hihi...abes duit n tenaga dats y pengsan today. haha... on my way i observed ppl around me. yela. 2thn xblk msia sj lepas rindu tgk sekeliling n tgk ape yg baru n ape yg still da same. suddenly i realize...org kt msia ni xkire tua muda alwez busy wif phone. handphone sentiase ade kt tgn [bkn ckp org...mayb i did exactly da same] sms n talking on phone n xhirau pon org2 sekeliling. ade sesetgh tu sgt kusyuk yg if i took diorg punye stuff pon i bet diorg xperasaan. no wonder la mudah je penyamun n penyeluk saku buat keje kt msia.

bile pk2 blk..rasenye kt germany diorg xcmni. xtau la diorg xsuke technology or wut [cz all they think about is nature kot] tp mmg sgt different. xde pon sume org nk sebok gune hp. if i met my family angkt sure kene silent hp so dat blh spend Qtime dgn diorg cz xnk la nmpk rude. 1 time hp i bunyi dlm keta. mse tu on da way g umh parents diorg. kuar2 kete dye tego ckp next time hp kene off bile naik keta. dye ks la reason dye but i xdgr sgt time tu so xsure. n ktorg slalu gk jumpe but sgt2 jarang nmpk dye gune hp dye. even my housemate pon cmtu. ktorg yg ausländer ni lg tau byk psl line2 tepon kt sane compare to diorg.

xtau nape i tulis entry ni. guess sj nk bitau wut i observed kot n rse pelik cmne blh jd cmtu. agk2 asl la most of msian cmni ek? [bukan sume like dat] hurm....

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Vice Versa

Marah tapi sayang
Geram tapi rindu

Missing my sayang... :(
Hoping dye xmrh lg.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Bersangka baik dan memaafkan

I noe i shud apply dis in my daily life but sumtimes i just cudn't. trying my very best to remember dis phrase each time someting difficult is happening. i pray dat i cud. silalah bersangka baik dan memaafkan, yanie.

sedang geram tapi cuba bersangka baik dan memaafkan but when it happens too frequent, sememangnye sy yg mmg kurang penyabar ni akan obviously hilang sabar kot. arghhhhhhhh.......


segalanya ada di sini...

hahaha....kdg! tu ayat yg aku n krun gune td time berjalan2 di mid valley. kami fikir..kenapa kami selalu di mid valley...rupe2nye kerana sgt dkt dgn rumah n ade bank, money changers, kedai jam, kedai cermin mata, maxis centre, jusco, pos office dan segalanya yg kami perlukn. haahaa...sirius merepek.

even dh smpi msia pon stil hangout dgn org yg same. our 1st fan. her's is me n mine is she. lol....xberkembang langsung! tp xpela aslkn kami bahagia. heee.... if dekat germany our places is like 1 hour from each other kt msia like 10 mins jer...mestilah hangout kn!! haha

td rase mcm zaman2 muda kt intec. blk wikend then singgah mid valley.lol... ayu jom keluar sesame!!! :)

Saturday 5 September 2009


i wanna quit. i'm givin up

Tuesday 1 September 2009


Benci la rase bosan di rumah. Teman utk dibuli sy sudah blk ke asrama semlm. haish.... cepat2 la jumaat so dat sy blh membuli semula. hahaha.... tp sebenarnye sy rse adik sy makin baik. sejak sy blk ni...ape sy suruh je dye buat. ngeee.... mungkin sbb dye dh sedar betapa baiknye kakak dye yg sorg ni...lol...or dye ade rancangan len. dr kecik dye mmg biasenye pggl kakak dye ni yanie jer but if tetibe dye dgn lembut n baiknye memanggil kak cik...mest la kerana dye mahukn sesuatu...aaa...tidak!! hahaha...scary giler bile dye pggl kak cik. Antara perkara2 yg sy pernah buat utk dye selepas panggilan scary itu :

  • Model rumah utk patung2 kecil dye [sbb dye tgk sy buat model utk projekt TK sy cm cool]
  • Penghadang jln dr kertas utk membina bndr kecil ats karpet mak sy yg bercorak jalur2 [ karpet tu mmg nmpk cm jln n siap kene bwt roundabout lg. =.=' ]
  • Memasak nasi goreng pattaya pd pukul 1 pg [kami slalu lapa bile sume org dh tdo]
  • Tukang gosok baju sekolah
  • Belanje barangan2 peribadi dye [selalunye prepaid utk handy dye]
  • dan macam2 lg la...

Tapi dye mmg sgt bijak mengambil kesempatan ke ats kakak2nye [termasuk sy dye ade 3 org kakak] n ayt paling best sy pnh dgr dr mulut dye : "ni yg ayie suke ni. bestnye ade kakak. mintak ape je sume dpt" cesss...xgune punye adik! hahaha....even ktorg slalu ckp dye gedik n spoil sbb terlampau manje tp xle nk bwt pe la kn. kt sape lg nk di spend if bkn adik sndri kn. Semalam time dye blk dye salam n cium tgn sy. wow...terase seperti sgt seorg kakak [slame ni sy x rase seperti kakak sbb dye xtkt lgsg kt sy] n cm dh tue nye sy ni.huhu....

some other interesting facts bout my bro [lets hope dye xbace blog sy.muahahaha...sbb mest dye mrh]:

  • Mak sy slalu panggil dye anje [cnth ayat: lapa anje.... :))] kami slalu gelakkn dye n ulang ayat yg same n dye slalu skt hati lagi2 bile depan org. mungkin dye malu. hahahaha
  • Dye sgt penggeli. If tmpt busuk or kotor dye blh muntah at dat very moment xde delay2 [tp yg peliknye dye xde la pembersih sgt pon...]
  • Dari kecik otak dye mmg pk duit jer. sume bnde dye nk jual [bak kate kakak sy : "if mak tu ade org nk beli sure dye jual jugak..." lol]
  • Dye sgt syg mak sy n suke ckp mak sy comel. sy xphm tp layan jela. hahaha [sbb tu kakak sy ks ayt di ats]
  • He's funny n suke ckp bnde2 di luar imaginasi kami sekeluarga [1 mlm sy sembang2 ngn mak sy psl wasiat n dye menyampuk : "if ayie meninggal nnt ayie nk ks mainan ayie kt sape erk?" lol...time ni dye kecik lg n mak sy n sy sirius xle blah. sape nk mainan2 ko tu dek oi!! hahaha]
  • Cerewet nk mampos. dun try to buy anything 4 him unless he ask 4 it cz dye xkn gune lgsg!!
  • Peminat tomyam no 1. tnye la nk mkn ape mest jwpn dye tomyam tomyam tomyam.gell bosan. xpon chicken chop tp mest kt kdai yg jauh. kedai dekat dye xmo.hahaha

ape2 pon sy tetap syg adik sy. hehehe....

Sunday 30 August 2009


[sile la bc dgn penuh smgt ok!! ;p]

sempena hari merdeka ni...marilah kite semua memerdekakan diri dan minda dari segala bentuk penjajahan dari mane2 pengaruh luar. kadang2 kita rase kita bebas dan merdeka tapi sebenarnye mungkin tidak. kite mesti ade pendirian dlm hidup. jangan cube sesekali jd lemah sebab perkara2 yg remeh temeh n xmunasabah. xsalah rase sdh n kecewa n meluahkan tp jgn berhenti melangkah. walaupun masalah yg kite hadapi kekecewaan yg kite tempuhi ibarat seluas lautan kerana pasti ade yg lebih baik sesudah suatu bencana. jika kite masih berasa lemah dan tidak bermaya...ingat lah.mungkin ade yg lebih berat ujiannye. merdeka bukan bermksd bebas luaran tp juga minda dan jiwa. sy sedar saya masih belum merdeka tp sy berharap sy blh merdeka dlm mase terdekat. sy akan cube sbb sy xmahu lg pengaruh2 dan kuasa2 luar mengganggu pemikiran hati dan perasaan sy. walaupon merdeka individu xsame dgn merdeka sesebuah negara tp ertinye masih same. saya gembira malaysia masih merdeka dan berharap akan terus merdeka

Malam ini

mlm ni tdo awl ok. so dat esok blh buat kerja siang hari. xperlu la kot berjaga mlm lg. nnt pening kepala n siang pon xdpt bwt pape. membazir mase. malam ni awl2 kene prepare utk tdo. xkire wut happen tdo jugak!! pedulikan masalah dunia. haha...sibuk2 nk pk hal org.

for you: wish i cud b ur sunshine ur rainbow ur good day
semoga happy alwez :)

*harap2 ade delivery air kelapa esok*

Saturday 29 August 2009


i am in malaysia. love dat fact. b4 smpi mcm2 dah rancang. all dis n dat. mostly all da happy things. but i forgot dat life isn't alwez good n happy n indah n penuh dgn pelangi2. now come all the drama n scene n wuteva we call the unhappy episodes in our life. n paling xbest is once u heard a bad news...u shud expect they come in package. n for my case...selamat menempuhi hujan ribut la afta dis. hoho...

sirius sgt serabut n once again rase seperti mahu lari again. cz dats wut i alwez do. [owh sy mmg suke lari dr masalah n bersedih2 padahal blh je explain mayb things get better but sy tidak tabah]

sy xtahu sejauh mane sy blh bergembira tp sy akn sntiase cube gembira demi org2 yg sy syg [xmahu mereka risau again]

again reminder: jgn pasang angan2 cz kite hanya merancang n it seems like Allah knows wut best 4 us [need to find dat hikmah asap or i'll lost]

Sunday 23 August 2009


for myself
  • Berhenti berharap
  • Myself 1st then the others
  • Keep urself busy --> so dat dun hv to think
  • Don't try to adjust cz it won't work
  • Be strong
  • Jgn cube mengadu susah to anyone cz it's useless
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • Try to hate everything around me. maybe i'll feel better than loving

Friday 21 August 2009


Last nite i was unhappy. Today i woke up n check my mail. Got an e-card. How sweet~
Thanx n sorry. I'll b more understanding. It's just cz i miss u.

*Happy Ramadhan Everyone*

*My last day in Porsche*


Tidak gembira

berasa tidak gembira

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Minggu2 terakhirku

Super damn bored xtau nk buat ape kt ofis n like hell tired berpura2 busy from 820 till 350 everyday for dis whole week.hoho....stil not finish packing. wonder how the number of boxes bertmbh. dulu pindah sikit jer ;p

siape2 sile la tlg saya kemas umh...huhu

Sunday 16 August 2009

Those memory that i cud neva forget n Collide

yesterday i was packing my stuff when i found some old pics n cards from everyone. i read it n hv a close look at everything. n i realize how i miss those time. those happy sweet memory dat cud alwez make me cry whenever my mind came across it. i cried n then fall asleep while i was still on phone. just like da old days~

i wake up n feels dizzy. got this song from someone. then i cry again

via videosift.com


The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide

I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

Don't stop here
I lost my place
I'm close behind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find
You and I collide

You finally find
You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide

[when will i stop crying?]

Saturday 15 August 2009

Something from my dear ayue ;p

"being in a stable relationship means u hav a haven, regardless of da probs da outside world decides 2 throw at u..being in a relationship dat offers mutual support will boost both ur confidence n well-being..diz might help 2 explain y ppl who've been happily married 4 years tend 2 live longer"

Keep up da gud work!!but rmmbr, if uve not been 2getha 4 long, u may stil b experiencing da "high" of falling in luv..once normality sets in, u may find u have 2 work harder 2 keep da spark alive..

Suggestion: suprise dinners or sending sexy text messages..



At last! 6 month is almost over. I was afraid that i wouldn't able to finish the report but i did! 43 pages in total. not bad heh ;p Hooray to myself. Eventhou ayat berterabur my supervisor stil cud understand wut i'm trying to say. good2.haha..Now i need sum1 to check the german for me.any volunteer? =D

Today my supervisor shud b in holiday already but he still came. Is it possible dat he postponed his holiday again? extremely workaholic old guy. yesterday he told me bout his health problem.go n see doc la! since i started prac he neva failed to come. amazing kn? even holiday pon dye sanggup cancel. [erk...termerepek sekejap] back to my practical...i received my official certificate already! yuhuuu!!! but i stil hv another week to go =.=' jgn tertipu.. but i'm relieve

so next to do is packing.2 boxes is ready.got another 15(?) boxes to be fill. i need help!! ;p by weekend everything shud b settle i hope. then i cud continue doing my list to do, to have, to go and to eat while i'm in msia. it's holiday babe!! i'm travelling to msia.lol...

can't wait!! *happy*

[semua org tau aku nk blk msia.giler kecoh nk mampos sendiri.harharhar...]

Monday 10 August 2009


when it comes to time like dis..
all i wanna do is cry
n i did
n i wish
it's still da same

p/s: i still did those unhealthy thing even i said i dun want nemore...really need help. i'm confuse. again!

Sunday 9 August 2009

The Real Thing

Every word I say, I mean it
Every single day, I feel it

But sometimes when you talk
It's obvious you want to show it
So don't blow it

Tell me what we got, tell me it's a lot tell me it's the real thing
Tell me not to change and always be the same, tell me that's a good thing
It's a good thing
Tell me not to lie, tell me not to wait
Tell me that you want the same things as me
Tell me that it's fate driving me insane
Tell me it's the real thing
That keeps me hangin on

I can read the signs between us
I feel it inside when you come nearer
There's a stillness in the air like no one else is there
And every moment stays in the moment

Tell me what we got, tell me it's a lot tell me it's the real thing
Tell me not to change and always be the same, tell me that's a good thing
It's a good thing
Tell me not to lie, tell me not to wait
Tell me that you want the same things as me
Tell me that it's fate, driving me insane
Tell me it's the real thing
That keeps me hangin on

Sometimes it hurts to watch you leave
It feels like you're taking a part of me with you
I never know how it'll be
I guess it's just a mystery
But is it the real thing (that keeps me hangin on)

Tell me what we got, tell me it's a lot, tell me it's the real thing
Tell me not to change and always be the same, tell me that's a good thing
It's a good thing
Tell me not to lie, tell me not to wait
Tell me that you want the same things as me
Tell me that it's fate, driving me insane
Tell me it's the real thing
That keeps me hangin on

Tell me what we got, tell me it's a lot, tell me it's the real thing
Tell me not to change and always be the same, tell me that's a good thing
It's a good thing
Tell me not to lie, tell me not to wait
Tell me that you want the same things as me
Tell me that it's fate, driving me insane
Tell me it's the real thing
The real thing


Tunggu Sekejap

I heard dis song on my way back home yesterday. Dis song is alwez my favourite. Jac version is not dat bad too. so just enjoy~

Tunggu sekejap wahai kasih
Kerana hujan masih renyai
Tunggu sekejap dalam pelukan asmara ku
Jangan bimbang walaupun siang akan menjelma
Malam ini belum puas ku bercumbu dengan kanda
Tunggu sekejap wahai kasih
Tunggulah sampai hujan teduh
Mari ku dendang
Jangan mengenang orang jauh
Jangan pulang
Jangan tinggalkan daku seorang
Tunggu sekejap kasih

Saturday 8 August 2009

One less happy people

6 more suffering hours hopefully.
Done nothing since i got back.
Thanx Krun cz willing to share stories for making the end of today seem not dat long nemore

Tag from Mira

Since i just got back n too lazy to do anything meaningful...kite lyn tag from Mira, my skoolmate aka tmn sepermainan time kecik2 dulu~

Bekas Kekasih Saya: ...

Saya sedang mendengar: Tak Bisa Memilihmu by Sixth Sense

Mungkin saya patut: siapkn practical report, basuh baju, kemas rumah dan packing utk pindah tp mungkin sy patut jer...hakikatnye =.=

Saya suka: warna n ceria

Sahabat-sahabat saya: adelah kesygn sy

Saya tak faham: kenapa saya selalu berase pelik2

Saya kehilangan: rutin saya utk seketika. hv to get use to it

Ramai yg berkata: realiti itu mmg kejam.hoho

Cinta itu adalah: rahsia

Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang: makan dgn sedapnye....sy mahu juge!

Saya akan cuba: menguruskn life sy yg makin serabut nih

Perkataan SELAMANYA membawa maksud: sampai bila2

Telefon bimbit saya: dh berumur 3 thn lebih dan perlulah bertukar...blackberry bitte!! danke :)

Bila saya terjaga: sy slalu bersyukur sy masih lg bernyawa :)

Saya paling meluat: bile org meluat dgn sy.hahaha

Pesta/parti adalah: sgt sesak. sy xsuke

Haiwan yang paling comel pernah saya temui: tak perasan la pulak. [salah sy xbrape nk usha haiwan.mungkin sbb mak sy xsuke haiwan *sorry mak ;p*]

Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan saya ialah: di umur sy tak perlu pikul byk tanggungjawab n xfaham erti real life.main2 kn best

Hari ini: sy abeskn dlm train jer. hantar mereka2 pulang msia

Malam ini saya akan: xsabar2 tggu esok pagi

Esok pula saya akan: berharap SELAMANYA ialah hr ahad

Saya betul-betul inginkan: sebuah kehidupan yg gembira disamping org2 yg sy syg

Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini: ok. sy ready utk keluar!

Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan: shopping mall aka therapie center. hik!

Makanan Barat atau Jepun? : owh mestila jepon sbb sy suke sushi xsuke dgg itu! yurks

Bilik yang terang atau gelap?: samar2 boleh x? sy tkt gelap tp sy xsuke sgt terang

Ayat terakhir yang anda telah katakan pada seseorang: bye

Siapa yang ingin anda tag?:
kayrun, wo, fira, acap, lisa n every1 yg i follow la senang

Wednesday 5 August 2009

oOoOo yeah

At last!!! i'm relief. Seperti mahu berjoget2 pon ade rasenye. Up till now i've been feeling super down n guilty cz rase like i've done nothing n each wednesday will berase resah gelisah thinking "apela aku nk present kt diorg today...huhu" but now not nemore :)

Wif perasaan separuh cuak separa nk pengsan i went to see my Betreuer. Told him wut i'm doing at da moment which is just trying my best to finish my report for Hochschule and said sorry that i haven't been much help as a trainee in the department. but being himself, a gentleman old leader he told me that i've done much already n shudn't feel dat way. Thanx God! Now i like him even more ;)

He's alwez the one who make me feel important n appreciated. Not like a few fella who hv been the reason why i hate to go to work everyday. Not to worry cz i juz hv 2 more suffering week to go~ or maybe less suffering cz i heard they gonna hv holiday starting next week. Yuhuuu.... Gonna hv my last Sitzung next week. Letztendlich...

today's Sitzung took 3 hours to finish n lucky me went home at 715 pm driven by my nachfolge :)

p/s to myself: Don't repeat da same mistake!! Learn from lesson. Took only the experience. Left all the unhappy thought n feeling behind.

Going back to Malaysia on 26. Aug 2009. Can't wait! *happy*

Monday 3 August 2009


mengapakah lately ni sy asik berjumpe mat saleh2 cube berbahasa melayu even di dlm bus hendak pulang ke rumah....


funny.penat tggu next word dye. hihi...

Tuesday 28 July 2009


Wanna go camping? Can't find any good place? Try Camping Pradafenz in Churwalden. U'll b amaze! it's just 2 hours from Zürich if u travel by train n bus.

Chur famous for skiing n snowboarding in winter n it's also a great place to visit during summer for hiking, biking or just to enjoy the breathtaking view of mount n lake in Swiss. If u are Malaysian, it's even better cz the owner of the camp site is actually really2 into Malaysia. he even asked us if we brought any malaysian food [which unfortunately not] He's son is now studying in Malaysia n his family hv been in Msia for 2/3 times already. For that reason we paid less for the site n got extra discount to ride the sesselbahn. Nice to meet people who like Malaysia n cud even speak Malay :)


Since the trip is just for 1 nite, there's nothing much that we've done. We've tried the longest Tobogan run [3,1 km wif 31 curves] n that was super cool! [since i rode wif krun...it's much challenging!! nervous too ;p] 10 mins by bus from our campsite, there's a lake [not sure of the name but it's just across the lenzerheide rothorbahn] where u cud try water sports or just walk around n see the beauty of nature n if it's hot n sunny, just jump in the lake n u'll feel how refreshing the water. If u want to try sumting different, try Lenzi Bike [it looks like a scooter wif big tyres]. choose either u want to climb the hill by urself..i mean walking or take a rothorbahn n by less then 10 mins u'll reach half of the mountain already ;p Then using Lenzi Bike take the challenging road full of tiny2 stone n off u go~...it's worth trying!!!

*For 4*

Eventhou it's just 2 days n 1 nite...da experience is valuable n having people u love around u to share it make it even more precious.

*Trip members :)*

To Amad n Anwar : Hopefully u guys feel no regret following us
To Ayue, Krun n Haja : At last 4 of us cud make it! Wuts next? ;)

Friday 24 July 2009


is this for real?


Wednesday 22 July 2009


bila puas mencari tp masih xjumpa...just do it urself :)

*thank u model sy ;)*

Monday 20 July 2009


sorry that i'm bad
sorry that i'm wrong
can't blame others for wut happen
for they know only wut they see
still the blame is on me

Saturday 18 July 2009

Thank You Very Very Much ;)

*Lapa at 2am : Supper for 4*

At last we're here! 4 of us again. Yeah!!!

Lame giler x hangout together like dis wikend. We're all excited. hihi...usually it's alwez 1 missing but this time everyone cud make it. sooo much story to be reveal. da best part is alwez the laughter. sgt rinduuuu bergelak ketawa like last nite n merepeks2 bout da past now n future. sedar x sedar it's been almost 5 years. pika SPM dis year...azril dh 5 thn...[masing2 berasa tua] haish...

Recommended by Ayue ;) :

Recommended by Krun ;) :

Recommended by Haja ;) :

[we all agreed each song describe them best.ayue sounds sweet haja sounds innocent tp sbnrnye tak! n krun like strong women gell :)]

Krun wake up n buat bising. Haja can't sleep nemore. Ayu still sleeping as usual.ngeee...n i'm updating my blog ;p

p/s: asik edit jer. dis is wut happen bile try nk post new entry wif them around =.=

Thursday 16 July 2009

Almost Lover

p/s: title xde kaitan dgn entry sy just sy sdg dgr lg ni n xtau nk letak title ape :D

ntah ape kene dgn practicalmate sy. dis week he's been acting sgt pelik. ajk sy minum kopi in 1 morning. then ajk sy bersiar2 ptg2 utk membuang mase so dat sedar2 dh feierabend. mungkinkah ini sindrom '4 bulan practical n xsbrnye nk abeskn lg 2 bln' or sindrom br menjadi bapa [sbb dye br je dpt baby last 2 weeks]? haha...wuteva pon sy lebih suke dye yg mls ni dr dye yg sgt poyo bekerja keras buat sy trpkse berpura2 rjn bekerja juge smpikn OT sy slame dkt 5 bln ni adelah 16 hari. lol.... esok kami akan berjln2 n membuang ms lg.weeeee~

n life sy sgt la berterabur lately ni. xorganise lgsg! slowly sy akn cube b in track again. mungkin sy buat silap or sy mmg slalu mcm ni tp sy perlu begini. dush2... sy rase sy xsehat or skt kronik cz tiap kali sy jln2 di town sy nmpk bj kotak2 n kaler purple sgt lawa!! terukkn skt sy ni? hoho...now if sy bukak almari bj sy, sy igtkn sy pening tp sbnrnye x.rupe2nye sbb 40% adelah baju kotak2 n 40% juga adelah berwarna purple.haish...

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Coffee n Me

I've been taking coffee for 4 days already....

can't work without any


feeling bad

Sunday 12 July 2009

HomeMade Coffee Cookies for Coffee Loversss

Tonite i made some cookies. I'm not a fan of neither coffee nor cookies. just got dis idea when sum1 who alwez feels hungry in da middle of da nite complained dat there're nothing to eat. kesiannye la pulak kn...so i decided to make some cookies. lgpon lame sungguh xmsk sumting real n homemade cookies alwez taste better for me. it's not dat hard to make but i took much time due to small capacity oven dat i hv.haih....6 per batch mmg jenuh nk tggu. 1 batch 15 mins.kirela brape lme nk bake everything. eventhou penat berbaloi!

Preparation :

*2 tablespoon of coffee in water*

*80g normal sugar + 60g brown sugar*


*280g Flour + 1 teaspoon Baking Powder*

*B4 bake*

Almost there :

*In Process*

*Ready to eat :)*

Walla! :

*I'm a Jar Full of Cookies made with Love*

Cookies made with love shud taste the best rite? Hope u like it! :)
Now kite xperlu berjaga mlm n mengadu...lapanye tp mls nk msk but xde bnde nk mkn....happy kn...hihi

Wednesday 8 July 2009


Happy bday Mira!!!

*Bday Girl :)*

*Kek yg sedap*

*the girlss*


Friday 3 July 2009

Friday Morning Fever :)

It's Friday!!! ooo yeah! hehehe... early morning at work keep thinking bout wikend.haha....hv a lot of plansss dis wikend n hope everything turn out great. Not sure if we wud hv our weekly friday dinner together or not but i'll b in stuttgart no matter wut.haha....

yesterday mira n me were in IKEA.so la xde kejenye both of us like today is already wikend la kn...lol..too tired to go back home i stay wif mira last nite. tomorrow i'll b in weingarten!! weee~ lamenye xblk kg.kihkih...then i'll cook for solat hajat dat nite [lame juge xpractise cooking skill...but i got new skill! i cud easily burn everything! haha...]

picnic on sunday wif rüdiger,beate n patrick.it's been soooooo long since we've seen each other.really miss them cz they're nice people n happy family.hope it's gonna b fun in playland.hehehe...

i'm really in a good mood now.haha...hope xbyk keje n can go back early.yeah! can't wait for dis evening :)

p/s: dis whole week i've been missing home badly n for dat reason xde mood at work :(
guess 2 years tu sgt lame...

Wednesday 1 July 2009


Saya sedang merajuk. Tak mahu ckp dgn kamu kamu dan kamu!

Tuesday 30 June 2009


26 June 2009


Monday 29 June 2009


weekend is over again...too bad. real plan was to hv a simple wikend. dinner wif fren friday nite [sorry dear...sumtimes wish just doesn't come true] then watch transformers wif few fella on saturday.

turn out to b our weekly friday dinner organised by datin bndr stuttgart lisa n assistant mira [sesuke hati ks title] attended by me jon syafiq n apis. last 2 week in noodle1-asian food n last week in arslan-turkish food. foods superb delicious... lepak till 9++ then walked back to hbf. stay a while at mira's place.solat then went back home sweet home.







saturday evening watched TRANSFORMERS together. half kino malaysian. seems like mgss event [peon said so]. dinner at nama-italian food [sedap but muak giler]

sunday : doing my kehrmonat duty. it took da whole day since bwt sikit rehat byk. ngeee...laziness can't b cure.

da whole wikend i didn't sleep enuf. got problem to fall asleep...hukhuk...tonite hv to try harder n earlier!

Friday 26 June 2009

Not Yet Sleeping??

wut am i doin at dis time still awake when i shud b sleeping already? it's all bcoz of my report which i shud write in german n i hate it! i hate everytime when i need to write sumting in german.actually i shud send it dis week but i'm too lazy dis week. almost didn't go to work dis morning but i managed to arrive by 9. harhar...i noe it's late but better late than neva rite? i'll figure out sumting tomorrow. dun wanna think bout dat report now. so frustrating to not know wut to write.huhu.... miss those exam weeks...dun hv to go to class or work. can study whenever i want or dun hv to study at all. no 1 will noe. i just want to b student forever. correction --> scholarship student :)

can i escape work tomorrow?

Monday 22 June 2009

Award from Khalil

Copy award di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ini..

[dis gonna b hard]

1.easy to b friends wif (eventhou we haven't met...we shared sumting already :) )

2.sweet i guess (cz all my frens mest la sweet kn)

3.tough [u noe wut i mean...so stay chill k khalil]

4.sensitif ;p

5.dye buat sy rse muda :D

[n khalil...i c me in u too...hahaha]

Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya..

1. hv 5 siblings. 2 elder sis 2 younger bro. sy ank perempuan bongsu n plg disygi oleh mak sy :)

[owh...my sis pon plg syg sy :D]

2. green is my passion. can't resist. hik!

3. suke food sgt2

4. ppl say i'm talkative but act i'm not. just xsuke b among ppl then there's silence.cm weird jer rase

5. kt skola dulu i hv adik angkt in every batch...hahaha...cz teringin nk ade adik pompuan ;p

6. berperangai agk kurg sopan slalunye. need a change

7. suke baby n kids. if ade kendri kt kg mest dpt keje jg bdk2. i've look after baby n kids since darjah 6 tau!

8. good short term memory sbb dr kecik slalu mak pesan beli brg without list.sume kene hafal n xpenah silap or lupe beli.tp kejap jela.afta a long time lupe la

9. sgt mudah percaye org. naive btl.ahahaha....

10. sgt kuat merajuk [ni dr kecik lg.mak aku pon cuak if aku merajuk...lol]

Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka..

1. wo [my very beloved sista...muahss~]

2. runnis [dye yg slalu teman sy anytime anywhere :)]

3. fira [fira yg funny.hihi...]

4. shah [ sharel aka artis yg hot...lol]

5. mira [my dear frens since kecik]

Sunday 21 June 2009

Just another weekend

i'm tired. just arrived home afta tren delay almost 1 hour. seb baik there're 3 of us. xde la bosan sgt.sempat la me-reka2 story why the police block da tren strecke.hehe...funny.

got my answer already.eventhou it's a bit hurt but nevamind. realiti itu mmg kejam isn't it? so back to normal. hv to go to work tomorrow.will take paracetamol n hv a good sleep. 120% performance tomorrow.yanie...jgn pk nk ponteng keje.hahaha...

happy father's day to abah.happy birthday to fira.thanx haja 4 u noe wut.sorry krun xsempat jumpe dis wikend.

p/s: i do hate you

Saturday 20 June 2009

Tag from khalil~

Yanie pilih : Acap

1. Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?

2. 5 impression terhadap dia
cute,funny,nice smile,bulu mata dye cantik-pjg n lurus (slalu rse nk pinjam), kurus cm org lidi

3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia lakukan kat awak
always b there when i need him...like sanggup kol smpi sy tertdo almost everynite sbb sy ssh nk tdo n tkt juge tdo sorg2 ;p (plg best bile dye blanje slurpee 4 da 1st time..harhar)

4. Perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?

biler dye nk sy jd gf dye dulu

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak..
sy akn xpecaya =.=

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak.
sy sdh cz he's a nice fren

7. Kalau dia kekasih awak. awak akan:
lompat2 kt bilik. ahaha...

8. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak... mungkin kerana:
sy terlalu memakse

9. Overall impression tentang dia:
org lidi berlagak sombong! hahaha

10. The most desirable thing to do to her/him:
be nicer n more understanding

11. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan orang terhadap awak?

easy to make frens, complex, emo, super duper sensitiv

12. The character of you for yourself?
happy, over sensitiv, blh mood swing anytime, n sgt xblh berase bosan but i do love myself

13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
moody n sensitiv part...try to work on it ;p

14. The most ideal person you want to be with:
edward cullen : owh dye sgt hensem~

15. For people who like you.. tell something about them:
i like u too :D
hahaha...dedicated to ayue n zira in msia

16. Ten people you tag:


Monday 15 June 2009


today is hr berase kurus! hihi... sepjg hari berase diri sndri sgt kurus afta kehilangan selera mkn hampir msk hr ke-4. kahkah.... dr pg td aku pk nk post entry ni akhirnye jd kenyataan juge. mungkin dgn usaha keras blh jd lbh kurus? mari bersenam! ;p

Wednesday 10 June 2009


Weekend is now! yeah... Berasa sgt2 gumbira cz xperlu g kerje til next monday. Just finish eating cucur n tea. Genießen my early wikend. hik! can't help smiling since got back from work. eventhou i noe there's a lot waiting for me next week. Last weekend mkn2 wif menteri kewangan 2 then i went camping with others in suleika camping platz. sejuk bukan maen lg smpi xle tdo + cuak2 juge tdo dlm khemah even bkn dlm utan real. bile lah nk jd sedikit berani ni yanie? haih... Dah smpi hajat nk g camping sgt. ahahaha...so hopefully my wish to hv a nice picnic will come true. anyone nk join? i cud prepare da food. just pick ur place ;p

currently craving for cheesecake yg sedap.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

My fairest friend

Now, my fairest friend, i would i had some flowers of the spring that might become your time of day but these i lack to make you garlands of, and, my sweet friend to strew you o'er and o'er

Like a bank for love, to lie and play on. not like a corpse, or if, not to be buried, but quick, and in mine arms

Tuesday 2 June 2009


No kidding. i've been everywhere 4 da last 2 weeks. exhausted and last nite i was totally blackout. i when direct to osna after work which took me 6 hours to arrive due to train delay in essen. dah la lapa lg mau stop lame2 kt essen. then last tren from münster dah terlepas. hv to wait for taxi n around 130am br smpi. seb baik smpi juge. went to meet my skoolmate,hadee. lame xjumpe. happy dapat sembang2 n tuka2 cite. thanx to osnabrücker juge 4 da bbq. mmg langkah kanan cz dtg time diorg nk bbq. lol...(asik2 makan mane la xgemok)

*wonder-girls* ;p


Friday afternoon went to zürich. dis time it took me 8 hours to reach my destination. i've promise krun dat i wud come n to keep dat promise i hv too. 8 hours is nothing babe just to c u! ngeee... saturday we went trekking along rheinfall. awesome! not da trekking part. just da rheinfall cz trekking di bwh panas terik mentari sungguh la xcoolnye. from rheinfall to schaffhausen hampir smpi konstanz ok! time tu rse cm nk blk DE trus plak. lol...

*Rheinfall : jatuh chenta*

*view from fortress in schaffhausen*

Sunday: hv to go back oredi cz monday i need to work. keje sehari then wieder urlaub! hooraay! tuesday i was in heidelberg membawa rahman n kawan2 bersiar2 melihat kecantikan heidelberg. overnite in Reutlingen then early morning ditemani rahman n emir gerak to stuttgart airport. next stop : Paris!!! (further details will b in my next entry...muahaha)

*rahman dan kawan2*

dats how i spend my whole everywhere in 2 weeks. xlarat nk cite sume