Tuesday 8 December 2009

Flowers In The Window

Monday 7 December 2009


I really2 need to do this. i'm here cause i want to finish my degree here. not that i came to play around and have fun. please...study and do only that or else i won't have any degree which is what i fear most now. please remind me that i've waste too much time and energy. back on track please!!! why am i too lazy to work hard for my own future? i should free my mind n throw every useless info that i have in my head away. only then i can start fresh i hope. people...sile la gv some advice to this lazy person.... :(

Friday 4 December 2009

Hujung minggu datang lagi

oo yeah.... br blk dr ber'singstar' n men poker kt blk acap. ni aktiviti mesti buat every week. last week xbuat dh jd gian. haha...but td rmi giler kot. full la blk sekangkang kera tu dgn 9 org manusia. layan gile main rmi2. hehe...n blk td br perasan rupe2nye kt luar ni hujan.hehehe....giler xsenonoh je rse. buang mse smpi lupe daratan. tp esok bukan ade class pon so tidak kesah.ngeee....esok sy akan jumpe orang2 tersyg....yeah!!! sgt rindu n lme dh xjumpe. can't wait! tp mlsnye nk naik tren lme2 sorg2. huhu.... esok juge ade org nk belanja mkn sushi! my favourite!! sgt sukeee :D thanx sbb buat sy happy.weee~

owh...tp xle buat2 lupe study. huhu....cuaknye dh msk bulan 12 tp xstart study pape lgpon. huhu....harap2 xgagal :(

Wednesday 2 December 2009


i called my sis just now through ym. it's been a while since we talk n i really need her advice at the moment. feeling miserable due to tons of project and works is the last thing i wish. miss that little zara too. she now can talk better and singing n walking n i wasn't there to watch all that. sigh... sedih. but the funny thing is, she saw me on screen n try to touch me n calling me baby. hahaha...she really good at joking eyh. siape la yg ajar tu. even though i'm cute..pls zara don't call me that. malu la achik. hahaha... ok. enough being perasan. at least i was able to forget about my worries for a while n manage to ketawa sorg2 dlm blk. thanx zara n my sis. then i got this good news from ayu. she opened her eyes a lil bit just now! oh my dear...u should know how happy am i to hear that. i miss talking to her damn much!!! i when through her blog n her fb profile lately n praying that i could hear her thought again. we shared much n i still wanna share a lot with her. zira...if u awake n read this...please know that i wish u're here n i love u dear~

now i'm happy :)