Thursday 21 May 2009


Up up high away... :)

blog-ing is just for free time but i'm not free at the moment. rushing to go to da bbq event in osna. still doing dis cz i'm addicted kot. ngeee...yes..i'm in osna. arrived 130am cos of the delayed train, had to take taxi from münster to osna. for the 1st time things like dis happen to me. dah la travel alone. like seb baik everything ok. smpi osna like lapa gell then lepak mcD till 3. dah smpi umh dak2 ni pon xreti nk tdo dulu. round 5 br kene tdo! guess aku mmg sgt suke berkata2. lol...

hadi's (my skoolmate) ere. saje dtg nk jumpe n exchange story n kabar berita. next stop is zürich. direkt from osna take about 8+ hours...last nite (5hours) dah cukop bosan then 8 hours siriusly i'm doing dis? crazy but i hv too. promise krun dat i'll accompany her dis wikend :) wait for me ea missy. we'll hv fun trekking kt rheinfall dis saturday..weee~ can't wait

some update bout sunday :

plan : angels n demons (checked)

wish : movie x menghampakan (1/2 checked)

laen2 : mahu makan cheesecake (proudly checked)

had fun (checked)

do it again? (checked)

been busy lately so dun hv much time updating. got some ideas to write just need to find more time...whoever got extra time, can i buy? lol...


Nisa Kamaruddin said...

i do hav extra time...but can u afford to buy them?'ll cost a fortune :)

Chybee said...

anything for u of cos! lolness